Want to start teaching group Spanish Classes? Don't do anything until you watch my FREE training!
About Spanish Class Profits
This site is dedicated to helping people who wants to start teaching group Spanish classes. 
Get my FREE Guide To Teaching Group Spanish Classes...
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Case Study with Rachael
This case study always makes me smile! Rachael is such a vivacious character. But, she nearly decided not to start teaching her own group Spanish classes due to several fears as well as less than encouraging advise from well meaning friends. 

Watch the video below to find out how she overcame her fears and how she managed to enrol 20 people to her very first paid course. (the audio broke up a little so I have added subtitles)
If you want to start teaching your own group Spanish classes and feel you need some help setting everything up, then email me at elena@spanishclassprofits.com with 'help' in the subject line and let's talk. 
Written by Elena Bocage 
This picture was taken during my first year of teaching group Spanish Classes.

We had 16 people enrol for this 6 week course, this was as many as we could fit in the venue at the time!

It was a lot of fun and I met some really interesting people, many of whom sent postcards from their next holiday abroad thanking me for helping them with their Spanish.  

Obviously, teaching 16 people in a group environment is much more profitable and far less time consuming for you. It's also a lot more fun for the students!

Click the button below to get my FREE Report where I share my marketing and teaching strategies in more detail...
How To Fill Your Group Spanish Class
It's great to see that people who read my free report 'Spanish Class Profits' are now starting to take action on creating their own group Spanish classes.

I am so excited for them as I know that if they follow my system they will be well on their way to generating some really useful additional income.

With that said, here is my No 1 tip for marketing your course, it's a one liner!

Put all of your efforts into promoting the free taster class.

From my experience, 55% - 75% of people who attend your taster class will buy the course if you structure it correctly. So the more people you can get to your taster class the better.

For this reason, don't promote the 6 week course. Instead promote the taster class.

At the end of the taster class promote the 6 week course.

Makes sense?

More marketing tips coming soon!

For now, make sure you study my Free Report 'Spanish Class Profits'.

Hasta Pronto

Do you need to be qualified to teach Spanish?
Do you need to be qualified to teach Spanish?

The answer is Yes and No.

If you are teaching people how to speak Spanish at a school, college or university then Yes you do need the necessary qualifications, absolutely.

However, if you are teaching people how to speak simple holiday Spanish outside of the education system then No you don't need to be qualified.

I have taught numerous group Spanish classes over the years and NOT ONCE has anyone asked me if I am qualified (which I am not).

All they want to know is this: can you help them reach the standard they want to reach in order to communicate more effectively whilst on holiday.

If your mother tongue is Spanish, as mine is, or you are fluent in Spanish, then that is a good enough qualification to teach people the basics.

Having said that, it is important that you know how to teach in such a way that people find the lessons enjoyable, fun and educational.

And the best way to do this is to use lots of role playing where group members practice small pieces of vocabulary with each other during the class.

This creates a real buzz in the room. People get to interact with each other. They get to practice many times with different people which helps them retain the information better as well as keeping the energy of the lesson really high.

This is one of the main advantages of teaching group classes over 1 on 1 classes.

It's also FAR more profitable for you.

In my FREE report I reveal exactly what I teach and how I teach it during the taster class. You can download a copy of the report from the link below.
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